Matthew Noojin
Position title: Digital Repository Project Lead

Matthew Noojin is the digital repository project lead at the Antarctic Meteorological Research and Data Center and a staff member in the Department of Physical Sciences at Madison Area Technical College. His duties include maintaining the AMRDC Data Repository, digital archiving, and providing reference and outreach services for the AMRDC’s partners and external researchers.
Matthew holds a BA in English Literature from Rutgers University and an MLIS in Information Science from University of Wisconsin-Madison. He has also performed archival and metadata work at the USGS National Wildlife Health Center and UW-Madison’s Kohler Art Library. His research interests include print history, digital archives, and environmental science, and his writing has appeared in various publications, including the Wisconsin Magazine of History. Prior to Matthew’s information science career, he spent a number of years working as a stage technician for off-Broadway theatre productions in New York City. In his spare time, he enjoys playing music, cooking, and exploring the woods and lakes of the beautiful Wisconsin wilderness.