Mariana Litell
Credentials: PhD Student at The Ohio State University
Position title: AMRDC Advisory Board Member
Phone: 614-292-1060
044 Scott Hall
1090 Carmack Road, Columbus, OH 43210

My research focuses on Antarctic numerical weather prediction. I am involved in the Year of Polar Prediction-Southern Hemisphere (YOPP-SH) Project whose goal is to improve the weather forecasts for the Southern Ocean and Antarctica. This is centered around the 2022 winter Special Observing Period (SOP) and the enhanced radiosonde observations collected during the Targeted Observing Periods (TOPs). I am analyzing NCAR WRF model runs that use MRI-4DVAR to produce forecasts with and without assimilation of the extra soundings for the TOPs to determine their forecast impact. Another aspect of the study is to investigate the prediction of the ubiquitous mixed phase clouds that are a key forecast shortcoming.