Mckenzie Dice
Credentials: Research Assistant at National Snow and Ice Data Center
Position title: AMRDC Advisory Board Member

I graduated from the University of Minnesota Morris with a B.A. in Environmental Science and and a B.A. German Studies with a minor in chemistry, with honors. I am in my fourth year of PhD studies in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences at the University of Colorado Boulder, where I earned my Masters of Science degree in 2022. I will be defending my doctoral dissertation in the Fall of 2023, and am actively looking for a new and exciting opportunity where I can let my wide set of skills shine!
I am a dedicated worker and deeply believe in devoting my time to accomplishing tasks at hand to the highest possible quality. I enjoy working outside and doing research that provides a hands on learning environment that will help me to advance in my academic and scientific career. My specialties are boundary layer dynamics, machine learning, and polar atmospheric research.